Saturday, November 23, 2013

High End Functional Women Fashion by ANATOMIE WEAR

In my previous post, I have disclosed my affection for anything and everything red that is why I was so happy to get a dress from Anatomie Wear. It’s the Monika Short Sleeve V-Neck, ballerina dress in red. This is no ordinary dress, as we all know Anatomie Clothing line is famous the world over for their designer styles and the use of travel-friendly materials. I was very excited to sport on different looks with the little red dress. First the girl-next-door look in which I paired it with a floral pink wedge. The second one is the rough and rugged look which was so easy to achieved, all I gotta do was grab a sporty leather jacket and boots. What I realized about my Monika dress from Anatomie Wear is that they really proved true to their promise by providing their clients travel-friendly and stylish outfits. The fabric is tough and sturdy yet comfortable to wear whatever the weather. It dries so fast that you must include it in your luggage and since it’s super stylish, it’s just perfect for whatever mood you’re in during your surprise weekend getaway or planned travel escapade.

Obviously I couldn’t get enough of my little red dress, so today is “Love the second time around” kind of day cause I’ll try to come up with a different look with it. I opted to go casual and carefree and wearing an equally pretty ballerina lepard flats will make me look like a gypsy. Oh and I have to grab my favourite matching scarf and yes braid my hair! The trick is to not go for accessories this time, but the free-spirited and cheerful kind of lad brightens up your day, though handbag would be great too. Winks!

Wide selection of designer fashion brand from dresses to tops, jackets, bottoms and more. Follow them on Twitter for more updates.

Disclaimer: Product(s) received for FREE, contents are mine 100% and I am not paid or any compensation to give my honest opinion.


joy said...

i love the red color of your dress, wearing such color brings in a cheerful mood :)

Arlene said...

I got attracted to the red bag and scarf right away. But the dress really looks good on ya.

BlogGirl said...

Color red really suits you! And that bag is really perfect for that outfit. :) said...

Perfect timing that I got to read this post, will be traveling this December and these clothes are definitely what I need!

Marms @ Mom's Shopping And Fashion said...

Oh I'm so jealous! I love red. Sure looks good on you sis!
I checked their site and I found cute clothing!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Lovely Lady in Red, love your bag too.

Olga said...

Love the dress! I know Anatomie also uses fabric that needs no ironing so it's great that you can bring a dress when traveling and not having to worry about creases. :-)

melandria romero said...

have read good things about them, that one looks nice on you.

jheylo said...

I checked their website and their products looks really of great quality. Their pricey too.

mommy Orkid Belle said...

I am loving that red dress and you look sexy. Love the bag too. I love Anatomie's clothing. They are indeed of quality and comfy to wear.