Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Counting the Days

When I hear those words above, I can’t help but think of home, the Philippines. I missed everyone especially my family. I can’t wait to wake up late in the mornings knowing that my mom had already prepared breakfast for us. My heart skips when I think of having a nap beside my grandmother again. I giggle when I think of riding the motorbike with my father, and feel so excited, certain that my sissy and cousins are my kids’ babysitters. I longed for the day and I know it’s going to be soon which makes me even more excited! So anyway, since I’m home sick, why not search for some friendly flight rates back home.

I am actually thinking of doing so via an agency. Like have someone professional process everything from our papers to the tickets, etc. Thus to avoid hassle and missing stuff, I’ll just have to sit back and relax while waiting for the flight. But then I strongly believe that I’m a good travel organizer, lol! Modestly aside, having able to work for a travel agency before I know the basics, the good side and the bad so why not do the booking myself. There are online websites anyway that can provide me with the necessary stuff and since it’s online, I can search for better rates, even discounts. I saw some great deals from there and here for US Airways, just trying to decide which date would be perfect. (Can’t help dreaming/wishing/hoping :D)

By the way i know you guys planning also for a much awaited getaway, right? So just check online deals from time to time and in no time you will mostly get what you are looking for! Always remember patience is a virtue, wink!


Rebecca said...

thanks for the travel tip

Taty said...

Online is always a good source for lowest price deal
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

To plan any overseas trip with a family, you would have to be good at organizing and finding deals. Thank you for the tips.

jheylo said...

It's nice to be home with our fam back home. If money won't be an issue we would've flown each week over there hehehehe.

Nova said...

that's quite interesting, I haven't heard about the website and thank to you now i can try to check the rates through them, who knows hoping to visit the phils again.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such a coincidence, my husband browsed form some deals going to the Philippines last night.. Even with discounts, it is still too costly for us four to go home, sigh..

MikiHope said...

Hope your trip home is soon for your sake. Travel plans can be made easily on line these days--the only time I would consider using an agency if I was going far far away where I knew nobody and wanted to join a tour group!

Unknown said...

I always try to book flight way ahead of time to get the best deals possible.

Marms said...

Yup! I am already looking forward to our next vacation to the Philippines sis.

amiable amy said...

I will keep this site in mind. Right now, we can't have any plans outside the country just yet. I need to process some papers first hehe.