Monday, August 26, 2013

Blue Monday - Joy ride at Oceanside Ft Pierce, FL

Smiling Sally

Weeks ago we went for a joy ride with our daddy (kiddos and I). He's then out for business calls meanwhile for us, we just enjoying the scenic views of the places we drove by going to his destinations. The beautiful photos just speak for it self. As we passed to this location the blue building caught my very eyes. It is indeed stunning. This building if am not mistaken is an apartment by the beach.

Meanwhile, as we drive along the coastal line, we saw some beautiful hotels and buildings. Another log-stone building that simply caught my attention. I love how the way it looks, the stones and logs compliment each others. I told my husband that's my dream house and i wanted him to build exactly the same for us in the future, lol. 

I never get tired driving around if the views are like these, relaxing and beautiful! Plus the weather is lovely. Life is good.

1 comment:

SmilingSally said...

I love Florida too!

I look forward to reading what you have to say about my post.
Happy Blue Monday!