Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Other Woman- I like you so!

Imagine having the other woman in your home, welcoming her with all smiles, in fact anticipating her arrival, sure that your life will change for the better. Well not the other woman you think of but the other woman I know. Okay enough said, I find it so cool for a housecleaning service to name their business The Other Woman, cause literally, she’s the other woman you would like to invite to your homes. This is good news especially if you’re looking for cleaning services cary nc, The Other Woman can lend you their hand through services like clean after a party or event, help you prepare a party, run errands, polish your silver, so on and so forth. You can really save time to more important moments like attending your daughter’s school meeting or a run in the park with your family.


Jeremy Norton said...

Love that services' name. They sure are the other women you would want to be in your house.

The One Income Dollar said...

hi- did you get my email for post I sent for your site?

Shela said...

no monique

The One Income Dollar said...

can you email me?

The One Income Dollar said...

Sent sent you another message to your email.