Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hair Care For Mom & Dad : MensGroom and Mane 'n Tail Review

Hair that’s soft, shiny and healthy is considered an asset to both men and women. Many would spend a lot of money just to acquire the kind of hair like those in the shampoo commercial and some would even go the extra mile of surgery and some kind of treatments that will give them their dream results. Well if you can afford it, there’s nothing wrong. But I still believe that the secret to beautiful hair, both for men and women is proper nourishment and care. My mom I must say has along, beautiful, jet black hair ever since and even if she’s in her late fifties now, her gray hair is only few. Okay, time to confess mom's secret! I asked her why she got such beautiful hair! Then she answers me back, ever heard of horse shampoo? well she believed that it is very good to human hair. Before long, people can not afford to buy hair care products so horse shampoos that's what they were using to wash up their hair. So since then my mom has always been a believer that horse shampoo is very good to human hair, that it’ll make hair thick, shiny, and healthy. I couldn't disagree Look at horses, they have stunningly gorgeous mane that’s like satin. In relation with this i am pleased to received a set Mane 'n Tail hair care products along with something for dad and it’s from MensGroom. They sent me couple of mensgroom daily wash out bottles 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner! I know he’ll like these too as much my husband does, gave him one of the bottle and he like it so far. Not to mention they smells good also, aren't harsh compare to other hair care products around!

So if you wanted to treat your mom and dad, pampered themselves, let them feel they're love. Small things like this would be great! I once in a while sent them some loves no matter what big or small it's the thought that counts.  Can't wait to send this huge box to the family soon, I know they will love every bit and pieces of what’s inside it.

Anyway, for more info, hair tips, newsletters about this two hair care products I've mentioned, link them to their following social medias:

Mane 'n Tail : Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest
MensGrom : Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest

Disclaimer: Product(s) received for FREE, contents are mine 100% and I am not paid to give my honest opinion.

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